Saturday, February 24, 2007


I am going to see this in about, oh... 39 minutes from now.
"The Number 23..."
It better be. I don't wanna look at Jim Carrey's stomach muscles, aka his 6 pack.
6=2x3!!! Another 23!!! It never ends. Will this movie suck? Gawd, I hope not, but I will be back to share my experience yet again. Hopefully there won't be any police involvement this time either. I'm also kinda skeptical about ol Jimbo as well. I liked Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber but turds like Sunshine and the Truman show keep coming to mind of lates. the trailers for this were creepy enough, maybe he will make the jump successfully this time. I read it was considered Horror, but I will be the judge of that.
I also just got back from having some Chinese: wontons, an eggroll, and some hot and sour chicken. I couldn't finish it all so it's gonna do a repeat performance via microwave later upon request. A finale that can't be topped. And I have no idea where I'm going with this.
"Woooooooooo, spookeh!!!"
And what is up with that saxaphone, anyway?!?!?!
Is he dreaming he's Kenny G?

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