Thursday, July 20, 2017

Homophobic Much...?

Still not happy doing this from my phone without some silly pictures to hide mein woes when I'm in the throes, I mean down to my motherfucking toes, man...
Anyhoo, ughhhhh. I'm almost finished with my two weeks of suck that is processing work. They love me when I'm lazy, but then my boss'll tear me anew one. I try giving them heads up on stuff a few times, and say I'll be back. However, they do not listen. I am then forced to push the button that is Heck unleashed on them. Hey, at least I'm nice about it. Wow, after I typed nice, it asked if the next word should be homophobic.
Way to ruin my train of thought, iPhone. Way to make baseless assumptions...
To be continued...

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

The Usual...

Hey, world. What's shaking? Boredom, fatigue, all that...
I wish blogger wasn't like this on my phone, it really makes it hard to convey shit. So much tedious typing to do to do to doooooooooooo...