Sunday, November 19, 2006

Top O' the World, Ma!!!

Larry Johnson once again never ceases to amaze me. 154 yards and two touchdowns, one of them being the go ahead, game winning, smack em in the mouth and ram it down their throat... uh... winning touchdown? They topped it off with a scary interception in the end zone to end it all. I wish they wouldn't do that though, my dinner plans were hanging in the balance. If they'd have blown it, I'd be eating in. Now I'm gonna go get my ribs on. Stuff a whole bunch of salad on top of that, and I'm a happy guy...
"Until Thursday, at least..."
Hey, but this gave them the juice to continue on with only four days until they meet the Broncos.
At home!
We will have our vengeance. Oh yes, we will...
I'm stoked right now, nothing could ruin it.
^^^^^^^^^After Dinner Edit^^^^^^^^^
Or could it? Against my pleadings to go to Olive Garden, we headed to Golden Corral. I hate buffets. Not because of the food necessarily, but from the inbred, mannerless ilk that contaminate the vittles with cruddy abandon. I started off with a heaping plate of salad, with all the healthy trimmings to boot. I then proceeded to jam as much steak into my gullet as I could. It was super raw, but I was in the mood for it, and Heinz 57 sauce will kill anything still crawling around on it. That's what I tell myself at least.
"We'll see in a couple of hours..."
I eat pretty healthy still, but need a little extra meat as I seem to be having trouble bulking up as fast as I'd like. I'm just trying to keep as lowfat as I can. I'm really starting to get those sweet stomach muscles that go all the way down, but that's alot of stomach crunches and I dropped the pin down to the next slot on the machine at the gym. After I get my hair cut short, finish up this roll of film, and develop it, I will post some before and after pics. I'm probably still going to be hideous to behold, but having a form to be proud of after too long in the chow line is great as an ego boost. When I was 235 pounds, people called me sir and payed me no never mind. I was the fat guy. Now I am the slim and trim guy. I want to be the hulking behemoth, so I'm going to try taking creatine along with my protein shakes. I feel like I've hit a wall as far as muscle growth is concerned and I really want to see some results that will make me want to push harder. I'm not there at the gym to ogle the ladies, I want results. I feel good when I work out, it is my meditation. When I stop taking care of myself, I feel like crap, you really start getting addicted to feeling great. Sexual urges get much stronger, and you are able to put your money where your mouth is. Walk the walk. Who wouldn't want that?
I don't have a big head, by the way, but I like to pump myself up and stay on top of it all. I really am truly ugleh, it just can't be helped. Strangely, that picture I posted not long back looks nothing like me, the remnants of loose flesh make me look like I have more chins than a Chinese phonebook. My hair isn't even that color. And soon it will be short and spiky, ala Simon LeBon during the Arcadia days.
I love gel...

1 comment:

BigMomma3502 said...

Cool! Do the short and spiky hair before you get here for turkey day.