Sunday, December 07, 2014

Airborne Again...

Hey, everyone and no one...
Been awhile. I'm sure all of ye were on pins and needles.
What to do, what to say...
Working hard, and hitting the gym here and thurr. Trying to get through the holidays, and make it to tax time again. This time will be different, though.
Ultimatums, and shit. Reasons and excuses to flee...
Laughing, living, and a'loving...
Looking to make those words a reality. Looking to blah blah blah.
Hoping to unmuck, and to get unstuck.
And maybe even begin to give a flying fuck...
Time for a nigga to get his schmoke on.
Hurry up and legalize.
Tired of hiding under the bridge to toke out like a fucking troll...

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