Sunday, November 02, 2014

Mutha und Chitlen...

A friend painted the original picture, which I then ran through a couple of filters. This is the en result side by side. Both are nifty, don't you think?
Also, my "d" button seems to not always be working, so if, well...
You know the rill.
Anyhoo, had some seriously deep thoughts on the road tonight. Alot of silly blather which I sadly do not wish to recall. Bummer, because it was goooooooood.
Not much going on. KC is playing pretty sweeet right now. They should romp on the Jets tomorrow no problem. Please do not let us choke either. That would suck balls.
Tomorrow will be the halfway point of The Walking Dead. It's been going by too fast. Not good at all. I want more, more, more. The first two episodes of this season have been great, but the last one wasn't so much. Not bad, but nothing really moved me. I hope tomorrow will different.
Bring on the pain.
Blah blah blah. Nothing more to say. Happy day after Halloween errbody.

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