Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Selfie on the Half Shelfie...

Look at this guy right hurr...
It's a picture I took parked in front of Best Buy in the middle of a sunny day. I added this little filter action from my new phone, and it completely changed the picture. Very nice...
So, anyhoo, that is me right thurr. The wetness in front of me is the squirting of mein tearducts.
I just got done watch Billy Idol on the Talk or something wretched with Sharon Osbourne.
Somebody ask a question other than how he came up with his name. It is also nice that he can dirty up the interview something randy and no one has a problem with it. I didn't realize the second daughter on Roseanne was actually the younger sister of Melissa Gilbert, who dated Billy for a short spell. Now I'm listening to a Steve Stevens interview . It's a bit long, so I won't hear it all, but may have to come back to it another day. It is after midnight now, and a few Everybody Loves Raymond will send this cowpoke off to sleepytime-funland...
I wanted to say more, but my newer phones have all had some way to pretty much type for me, I just hate typing. I'm not even that awesome at it anymore. So sad...

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