Friday, March 28, 2014

Sack Boon...

Hey guys and gals...
Wow, over two months away from hurr. I didn't really forget, I just felt nothing needed to be added to this tawdry tale at the mo-mo. Anyhoo, I feel great. I have the day off, and the tokeness is on the upswing. I am currently partaking whilst perusing my faves list on the blu ray Youtube thangie.
I have been doing alot of pondering, and alot of...
Mental jumping jacks. I welcome all comers, as well as the goers. Bring that schnizzle.
For rizzle...
I'm hoping the weather is on the upswing as well. It has been cold and gloomy as fuck here since I don't know when. No?
I'm hoping to get that gym membership deal going, and getting my run on again, too. I've even made a promise to give up the cigarettes AND chewing tobacco. I have some tweaks to my all around program this time, and I think they'll be a doozy. I'm tired of my back always hurting, and pretty much my whole arms. I'm not really fat anymore again, I just need to trim off the goo and bulk up the beefy parts.
I do have a very nice frame, I'm thankful for that. I see alot of people out thurr, and I wonder what kind of troll spat them out of its vagina. Even fit, they'd still be creepy as fuck. I know, I'm a douchebag, lol...
I feel nothing but anger.
Kidding, I rarely feel anything but the fuzzies of late. Not all the time, I have my moments...
But they are rare. I finally feel like it all has been lifted off of my chest for the most part. I just want to put myself into position for the sweetness of life again.
I immediately pictured a world with man sized ferrets that you can dance with, and skip, and love on each other. Get all snuggly...
Ugh. I've been drinking coffee all day so far, and playing Candy Crush. I need to get up and around, do some thangs. I am dressed, though. I'm not a complete neanderthal.
Back soon...
P.S. Go see Knights of Badassdom. It lives up to its name.

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