Friday, October 25, 2013


Hey diddle diddle, folkie folks.
Just thought I'd touch base with y'alls about some stuff that's been done going on round these here parts.
Actually, I just thought it'd be nice to post happy for once. I've had a nice day today, and thus begins a week away from work, one that will be spent getting the toke on, and maybe hooking the Gamecube up to the bigscreen TV. And not changing clothes for a whole week...
Kidding as I love to shower too much for that kind of shenanigans. Anyhoo...
I need to sse how/where I can score a butt ton of blu-rays to devour all by my lonesome. Commentaries, yay!!!
Wish I had some high quality tranquilizers for the week, though. Maybe some Darvocets like they gave me when I had strep way back when.
Ugh, I should be spending all this free time working out, but hey, at least I'm getting pretty thin. I just need to beef it up again in places and finish burning up the last of the fat. I look damn fine at the mo-mo.
Well dang. I gotst to go fetch mein childling from his work.
Could've been a longer post, but are you gonna do?
Fire me?

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