Sunday, May 19, 2013

Would Mike Tyson Have Made a Great Fat Albert Character, Or What...?!?

Lispses, and lipses. Juicy mouthedness, for good measure...
(Sorry, listening to Mike Tyson on Stern, on Youtube, like the boss I is)
Wow, I had a picture of Colin Hay set up for today's post, then I remembered I'd saved a picture of mein friend. He is definitely not having the time of his life right now. Sadly, there was a time, back in the day, where I'd told him to come down here and live with me. We were both pre-married at the time. He should've listened to me. Who knows? It might have turned out worse.
I haven't drank a drop since New Year's Eve, he hasn't stopped drinking since, until he ended up in the pokey. Now I know why his old lady went back to her old name, and why she didn't seem keen to let me know what up. His cousin told me he was in jail, then I looked him up. Domestic, hmmm...
He looks like he got the worst of it all. Poor guy, he's like my brother. The last time I talked to him, he seemed about ready to get his shit together.
Guess I'll find out all in good time, but he never should've hooked up with a chick that's in her late 50's. She's got 20 years experience more than you, of fucking overs and such. He also quit his job on the same Eve, so he was pretty much living off of her. Some serious shit went down, to be sure, I just don't have a clue what it is/was. Maybe he wanted her to dye her bush...
So gross. Never liked her. Garshhhh, hope she never reads this, by the way.
She always was all up in our phone business. Anyhoo...
Sorry, buddy. Hope you get squared away.

Watched the new Star Trek. I liked it, I just had to let the original go. Things were changed up, and some things were switched up. I can accept the new everything, it's just a whole new beast.
Too bad it knocked Iron Man 3 off its lofty perch. It's all about timing.
A-. New Spock still weirds me out. He has a little Paul Stanley going on with those lips.
He also runs like a girl. Surprise...
Will there be a third? Can we still swing it all around so's we can chill with the dolphins in the fourth?
They also carry the same cool camp vibe as the original.
I miss Montalban's Khan, though, and where's those badass little sand slugs they put in Chekov's ear that made him scream like a bitch?!?
Less than the origina, I'd say, but still pretty nice. See it, fools.
Ok, then. I have kinda petered out a bit on posting, but I'm going to find more time to bore the shit out of no one in particular.
Last month I was a posting beast.
Time for some Children's Hospital and iPhone Scrabble, or whatever the fuck they call it.
Peace, nerds.

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