Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Fussy Part...

Laughing Asian babies always lighten the mood, almost as much as puppies from around the world. Or not.
Let's pretend, though that this is utterly true. Right now I am smoking the stickiest of the icky and the ickiest of the sticky. It's 1:35 am. I'm getting kinda mesmerised by all this baby-cutely-ness...
So I saw Jonah Hex today. It wasn't bad, I give it a B+. I was completely gong showed through it and munching on plain M&Ms, so that was superkickass.
Anyway, I thought I had some shit to say, because I was getting bored of watching heckler videos and George A. Romero interviews on Youtube. Then my mind went blank here and now it just feels awkward with everyone staring at me. Waiting, hanging on my...
Pussy fart.
Yeah, I said it.
And you knew it was coming.
Short term memory loss brought on by the chuffing of the peeba, or brain freeze from downing a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby?
Or a combination of the two?

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