Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fish Stick Sammich...

Amazing what you can McGuyver at 12:30 am when it's getting near time to do some serious shopping, meaning the fridge was near bare. I also threw some hash browns in the oven next to it, with a dollop of oil on it to crispify it further. Sadly, fish stick sammich is no longer with us.
"He was so young when we met..."
Yet he knew too much, he'd seen things he shouldn't have seen. I'd spied him hanging out at the back of the freezer with the tater tots. And we damn well know they can't be trusted!!!
Wow, I almost spelled tater wrong. I have actually been in front of this computer since about 9 am this morning, with only breaks to grab stuff to eat and bring it back here for consumption.
I've been back here watching videos all day, chatting with my sister, stick fighting with Petey, and chain smoking like a madman. This can mean only one thing:
I will be hitting the gym extra hard starting next week. I'm sure the next Toughman competetion is just right around the corner, and I wanna be ready...
If I could just get enough people to sponsor my entry fee, I'd be set. Surely there is someone out there in the world that would like to see me get knocked out.
But I'll get a few licks in before I'm through.
I always do, just ask the sammich...


Anonymous said...

Those fucking tater tots, them and the freezerburned hamburger meat, always plotting terrorist tactics.

BigMomma3502 said...

I still enjoy fish stick sandwiches. Takes me back down Memory Lane . . . Dad's idea of feeding us kids.