Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Pet Wolf Spider...

Lookie at the spider I caught awhile back and had for about a week. Isn't he a dandy?
A very nice wolf spider. I've seen alot of people posting pictures and videos of what they claim/think are wolf spiders, but are usually smaller. I think some weaker distant cousin. Anyhoo, mine was named Milton.
I liked him so, but it was a pain to feed him, and I wasn't even sure he was actually feeding. I didn't want to be the death of him, so I let him go out in some field behind the edge of town Dollar General. Hope he's humping it up. I would've liked to keep him, but it would've been a serious hassle.
Let's see, what else?
Saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. That was a mouthful. I liked it, but a few things were utter silliness.
Tired now. I thought I'd have more, but maybe it is better saved for tomorrow. I will attempt a return in the morrow...
But, then again, you know me.
I do when I do, how I do it no one knows...
Not even me.
Mayhaps I will await the return of Milton, possibly with a second aquarium to call his own. Meal worms will flow like wine...

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