Monday, May 30, 2011

of course i do doo...

Of course I do. The hailstorm in my brain...
I'm about to move into a 3 bedroom house possibly by myself. I want so much for my kid to come with me. I don't want to see her face as sad as that kid whose dad was crushed by that forklift, it almost crushed me. I didn't even know it at the time.
It would seem lonely if you were the only star in the night.
I've got to believe...
It'll be alright in the end.

Guilt, fucking guilt.
See? I don:t want to touch anyone's life and kill it. I don't want to take away, I want to add to, by a fucking million plus.
Right now I feel like I kill all that I touch.
Gold isn't all it's cracked up to be when you have the Midas touch...
Oh, fuck it.
Car crash?
No. No more.
Don't drag me to those gates of hell.... just this last one time?!?

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