It's Friday once again and I'm in a rare chipper mood. Right after work we caught a matinee showing of School For Scoundrels...
"Ye shouldna done that. E's jest a boah!"
Sling Blade Carl VS Napoleon Dynamite!
(ding! ding! ding!)
I liked it, but then you just can't go wrong with Billy Bob Thornton. He's almost as much of a booster as Walken. Heder seems to have tamed his dufus persona down to just being clumbsy and quirky. I think he may have just pulled it off once again.
I was rooting for him to win the day, and of course you know he did. What did you expect? While no blockbuster by any means, I found the gags and schemes quite innovative and just downright funny.
"Funny haha or funny queer?"
I know I'll never see tennis in the same light ever again!
I give it a very promising B. That might seem a little high, but I had a good time with it. And I was a little high also...
Next weekend will be Employee of the month, with Dane Cook. It looks the bomb, and I am sure to be there. I also really like the earlier matinees like that when I can. No chatty cell phone addicted teens, no over perfumed Casanovas or stinky old timers, and most importantly...
No cops!
"But... but... protect and serve!
Yeah, but "the fuzz" seem to like to home in on longhairs like me, even when I'm not stoned. I guess I just look like trouble. I prefer we continue to pretend the other doesn't exist.
What else have I been doing with, or to, myself? I get these youtube attacks, then focus in on one thing and ride it to death. Recently it's been Sigue Sigue Sputnik videos and Louis CK stand up. Great band, way ahead of their time, and an awesomely piss yourself hilarious comedian.
In one of the clips, he mentioned being the director of the epic urban tale, Pooty Tang. That is reason enough to give him a shot.
He makes funny people look... not funny. He tells it like it is, no punches pulled.
The Jim Morrison of comedy. He has, or had (I don't have HBO), a series called Lucky Louis on HBO, described as very All in the Family-ish. Hmmmm. I like the sound of that.
Also, if you haven't checked out Arrested Development on DVD yet, I am, and you should do so. David Cross, Jeffrey Tambor, and my main ex teen heart throb, Jason Bateman. I've always rooted for him since he was a lil smartass punk on Silver Spoons.
"And you've always had that THING for his sister, Justine...
I'm rambling again, time to end the post.
My dear, sweet Justine...