He's a hired gun
A man with no name
And when you meet him
You will never be the same
Feet in the gutter
Got his head in the stars
And his middle name's fun
He's a hired gun
And just so you know
The places he has been
You don't wanna go...
You guys like my Middle East solution? Make it unliveable for anyone. Wonder which ones would be for that.
Now who would rather see Allah's Green Earth destroyed before living in some semblance of peace and harmony?
I wonder...
I saw an interesting video of a former Muslim woman who renounced her faith after seeing her professor murdered by religious zealots in her native Syria. She raised so many unscoffable points that the guy on "The Other Side" just basically said...
Shut yer mouth, blasphemous whore, or I'm gonna put a Jihad on you!!!"
Strange that she smote his ass on Al Jazeera. If more Muslims weren't afraid to speak up for a newer, more applicable to our times, approach to their religion then I wouldn't be afraid to be on a plane with any of them...
Or on any moving object of flaming doom. I'm not asking for much. The fact that this is proclaimed to be a much watched video on the net makes me ponder...
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel...?
Doubt it, but I guess my only pearl for you is take out of it what you can, and leave others the fuck alone. This is the kinda shit that happens when you give Caddys to a bunch of nomads and tell em there's more where that came from!!!
So, on a lighter note, I saw Crank at the theater with that British guy. You know the one, the Transporter guy. That melon headed roughhouser with the abs and the sarcastic neck cracking wit, yes...
That guy!!!

In all his glory, with just enough time to (quick breath intake) work his way round to the guys who fucked him over by giving him some synthetic Chinese poison that kills him if he slows down, but staggers around long enough to (sorta) save the girl and the day.
Let me catch my breath now...
I'm not gonna give away the ending but I will just...
one word.
And we'll leave it at that. In truth it was a great movie to watch with that kick ass THX thingstuffs pounding into my skull. I almost wasn't even bothered by all the Red Bull ad placements, among others, but the silliness interspersed in there was kinda nutteh for the Grav'meister. I give it a solid B+ due to the fact that I felt ill myself after viewing it, and wanted to thrash and hurt things.
Now see what you've gone and done?
I better get the hell outta Dodge!!!
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