Herm Edwards, what the fuck are you doing to my beloved team?
When Dick Vermeil left without bringing home the glory I just knew things were soon to be a big muss. Then they picked you up, after a tossing from the Jets, another testament to your inadequacies as a leader. Your plays inspire nothing but the taste of bile on my tongue.
Cincinnati should have been beat. Fuck Randy Cross and all his lauded praises on Carson Palmer. Amazingly, he stopped short of calling him an equal to Joe Montana. That's like a blowjob without the occasional tongue-to-balls action. Still gets the job done, but doesn't give 110% devotion. Kudos to you, Randy Cross. You still kept your integrity, somehow, in this crazy mixed up grid-iron world.
I hope you are accosted in the parking lot of Arrowhead stadium when next you set foot upon my beloved City of Kansas. And then beset upon.
You, sir...
In the meantime, we need a new coach and quarterback.
And what the hell happened to Willie Roaf?
(poison in my eyes...)
By the Way, I saw The Covenant. Teenage witches played by fresh faced twenty somethings. I give it a C, as it was semi watchable. Better than most teen fare but still lacking any heart. Looks like we won't be seeing The Illusionist today. I think the word is getting out on that movie. It looks the bomb.
What else then? I went to Zabana again last night. In an earlier post it is referred to as Savannah. My bad. There was a fight there last night but it was lame. The music pounded into my skull as well. Fucking salsa, reggaeton, cumbias, and merengue interspersed with a rare cheesed 80's tune. Last night the most memorable one was I Ran by Flock of Seagulls. My nephew asked if it was Duran Duran.
I scoff at the notion.
If only a guy could open a club and put some of those fat beats down to waft onto a jumpin' crowd of wrigglin' jigglers.
If only...
To cup thy mind's proverbial balls in loving, harmonic ecstacy and massaging thy vas deferens of soul wellbeing to a stunning climax of "Fuck yeahs!" and merriment.
That'd be sweet, Pete.
WTF does this mean????
It means my Chiefs are in dire straits, Randy Cross (the announcer) is a flaming homo, teen movies blow, latin clubs suck donkey balls, and that YOU, whoever you are, have a problem with either expressing (properly and specificly) WTF you are trying to say OR have a deficiency in your reading retention. Get hooked on phonics, why don't ya?!?!?!?
Well, if "anonymous" would get his daddy's dick out of his face, he might be able to RE-READ the post and glean some meaning from it.
You're just so misunderstood, Ronnie.
I'm a girl, thank you, and I love my daddy's dick......so I will keep it in my face, cunt, and ass! And what I meant was this was a rambling piece of dog excrement. It started off to be a nice little piece abot football, and ended up being a rant about lame shit. You write well, and this is beneath you....so that is what I mean. As for you big momma, wanna suck my clit, you dyke whore???
Ok, ok. I do appreciate the feedback. But, on occasion, my posts may suck. Ha! Your original comment was, you have to admit, a little vague. And to be honest, I personally thought you were someone else and subliminally slamming my team. So WHICH part was lame? The Duran, the club, the film, or EVERYTHING after the football stuff. Admittedly, once I got started, the train of thought I had was lost. Then I just fudged a little. And Randy Cross is a complete CHOAD, so he deserved that rant. What can I say, I was heated after spending all that money on NFL Direct Ticket and suddenly seeing my boys come apart like that. Here I am rambling again. But, then again, I thought I ALWAYS did...
Have you been reading my blog, and/or have I commented on, or read, yours? If not, I'm always on the lookout for other good ones to peruse. Feel free to share as well. No hard feelings, and feel free to drop by anytime. Not sure if the posts will suck or not. I'm probably hit or miss at times.
HA! Once again...
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