I'm hanging out on the floor of the Blue Note, pretty close to the front. This guy looks at my shirt and asks where I had happened to get that Electric Apricot Tee. After an in-depth convo with him and his buddehs, he tells me that once the lights go out, he's gonna be burnin' the midnight bud and that I'm welcome to join in anytime.
So the opening band comes out, Miracles of God or something cheesed like that. They weren't bad but you know how it goes with being the opener for somebody with the kind of following the Violent Femmes have...
Then they come out!
Super sweeeet.

I was, as you can tell, closer to the bass player. He played alot of really strange instruments. You can see some of the things he played behind him in this picture. I never realized just how awesomely talented those guys are! All three of them, too! The guitar player/singer also plucked on a violin for awhile, and the drummer was all over the place.
Move over Sheila E.!!!
He only had the bare essentials to beat on: a snare, and something that looked like it had an upside down bucket on top of it. He also played the entire show with brushes instead of regular drumsticks.

I have gobs more pics from the show, but I haven't had time to tweak the rest yet. I thought these three captured best how it was.
"Including that freak waterhead baby who almost ruined my last picture we've posted for your viewing pleasure."
I'm short, 5'8" to be exact. Tall people like to try to stand in front of me. I like to poke and prod them in the back until they get the hint. If only more hotties would've squeezed into the open cushion of space I like to keep between me and the people in front of me. Just one was all I got. She finally turned around after a few songs...
"I hope you didn't mind my hair flying in your face as I grinded my glistening young buckeye against your crotch."
Not at all, as long as you smell (and feel) nice, I don't mind.
Some grotesque, tubbo hippeh chick tried the same on me shortly thereafter and was denied passage. She gave me the old...
"Come on-n-n-n-n! I got friends up there!
To which I replied:
Don't we all, lady, don't...we...all!
Not on my watch! I can't just be letting everybody in front of me, that's how you end up at the back of the club. I had a roll of pictures to be taking, which I promptly finished just as the security guy tapped me on the shoulder to tell me to cut it out. He said he wasn't going to confiscate my camera, but methinks he wouldn't have got it without a fight. You can see some of the Femmes were looking right at me when I took the pics at times.
All in all, it was an awesome show. I had told one of the kids smoking with me that Gordo was gonna sing some gospel tonight and he did. Alot was played off of Hallowed Ground too. Black Girls was one of the last songs.
They came...
They rocked that place to a smouldering ruin!
I had a long and painfully police filled ride back home, fueled by Mountain Dew AMP and the desire to sleep in my own bed as quickly as possible. I never got pulled over, but more than a few did U turns to follow me for awhile. Long enought to freak me out. The kicker was when I turned off of I-44 onto 65 highway. Some blue lights were speeding up to me at a time when there were no other cars on the road. I was relieved to see him go on past me. Bastard had to know that shit scares the Dickens out of whoever is in front of him. I stopped off in Springfield to see my friend, Keith, and lay low until the sun came out a little.
I slept like a log early Sunday night. I'm still recovering from the whole ordeal. But it was well worth it.
"I'd do it again, in fact."
Just not anytime soon...
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