For awhile now, I've been pining to see The Illusionist. Two weeks ago, I can't remember what I saw instead, due to lack of enthusiasm by the other family members, but last weekend I was determined to go...
Alas, it was sold out. So I suffered through The Covenant. But this weekend, I got there early, I even smoked a jay in the parking lot while they bought the tickets.
That cop was eyeing you an awful lot in the theater and beyond...
I eventually found my seat in a room that filled up quickly right before it started. Looks like the secret is out. Damn fine movie, Probably the best I've seen this year, possibly longer. I almost didn't mind the stench of the geezer sitting directly in front of me. Nice B.O. Ma woulda been proud.
But I digress...
Great movie, I loved everything about it, a breath of fresh air in a stale movie house. Edward Norton, as always, delivers a mind blowing performance. Paul Giamatti, aka "the Karioke-ing Monkey Man", plays a solid bumbling, goodhearted old timey Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane type of guy. You know the one: following the leader dutifully, but balking at truly evil missions.
To a Tee, my friends!
Jessica Biel is one sweet morsel as well. They even got a dead ringer for the younger version of her. Uncanny!
But tell us, does he really have magical powers?
I don't want to ruin it for those who haven't taken a gander yet...
I'm not going to spoil it, don't worry. But it better make more money than Snakes on a Muthfuckin' Plane or I'll be pissed.
Is this my first A+ review so far? I'm too lazy to check. I'm wore out on the created trippy (crappy, HA!) Illusionist picture I made in windows paint. And it's 3 am, but I wanted to get this out while it was still semi crisp in my mind.
Also, I've been reading the blogs of two separate recent evildoers in the world. Melinda Duckett and the guy that shot up that college in Canada. Both morons.
What, is the GRAVEH paranoid his blog will be watched too?
Not really, I'm more of a vigilante type anyway. And I'm not fucking loony either.
I do believe there are people out there that deserve to die. Bad people.
Not toddlers and college students.
WHO, then?!?!?!
Uhhhhh, Nancy Grace...?
What about P. Diddy?
Hopefully he is on enough lists already...
1 comment:
I wanna see this movie. Now I'm really eager to see it!
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