So my sister is in town from Californ-I-A, and I've been out to the parents' house to eat of barbecued beef and pork, and partaketh of family oriented chitchat. All went well, and fun times were had by all. I took off work Wednesday to spend the day with them in Eureka Springs. Nothing like paying through the nose to "experience" the rustic feel of the place, I felt the constant barrage of corny T shirt shops really add to the scenery. But it is meant for the elderly crowd, although it is not without hazard. Take my NEXT little story, for instance...
We are walking this treacherous terrain of busted up sidewalks abundantly slathered with some kind of slick red paint, presumably to distinguish the fact that it is a no parking area. As we round a corner, a Mexican coming towards us slips and nearly falls. I'm walking behind MOM, when SHE slips off the curb and does some macabre test of balancial wills that she is destined to lose, which she does. It went in slow motion for me, but when I snapped to, my sweat soaked shoes slid around on me, causing me to get there AFTER the tumble. She didn't make a sound, not a peep! I thought for sure there'd be a "Fuck!" or a "Jesus Tapdancing Christ!", which is what would have come out of ME, if not a steady stream of expletives to make ANY sailor's mother proud. Bless her heart, I'd rather it'd been me instead.
She sat there for a few seconds, I was right on top of her, trying to help her up and asking if she was OK. She skinned up one leg pretty good but the other knee looked horrible. I felt bad the rest of the day, and she got more hobbly as we went around. We basically spent the last part of our time there kicking back in some kind of porch thing, which was fine by me, my dogs were tired too. I also climbed some huge tower that swayed vicariously in the wind, not unlike the way my lunch swayed in my gullet the further up I got. On the 6th floor of this wire framed behemoth, I started to get cold feet.
"Uncle Ronnie, aren't you coming?" the niece and nephew asked, since THEY had already made a mad dash for the top.
"What's wrong? Are you chicken?"
Hearing that, I steeled my resolve, which consisted of cod fillet and greasy fries at the time, and hurried to the top. I didn't stay very long though. It was pretty darn hot, so being that much closer to, and unsheltered from, the sun is not a smart thing to do for long periods of time. I enjoyed the day, with the exception of MOM's downward spiral, and didn't even get pissed over the fact that I kept getting lost. The roads rearranged themselves somehow on the return trip home, and I kept seeing the same damn road signs to turn for 303, which was very strange, considering I was ON 303, I started to think I was on some kind of hillbilly loop to tire me out before the "luvin'" starts. I made it home though, safe and sound, maybe a little worse for wear.
My legs are STILL killing me from that tower. Luckily they had so many problems at work that I just goofed all day, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a repeat performance tomorrow. I'm just mentally AND physically exhausted. I don't wanna hear music, I didn't feel like playing any video games, I have a headache that is keeping me from enjoying a sweet toke off the "kind".
I guess I better call and say my final goodbyes to my sister and her kids, but I'd like to visit her sometime, maybe next year. My wife has relatives in LA too, so if she got bored with mine, then I may get some free time to cut butt wild without any espousal supervision...
Kidding, but they DO have nice titty bars out that way. A quick look see never hurt nobody. The way I see it, it don't matter where you build up an appetite as long as you eat at home. There just better be something simmering when I get back...
"Roll on highway, Roll on through..."
"Roll on, Mama, like I asked you to do..."
Just try not to take it so literally next time, sheesh!