I love em, I love em, I love em! You can say whatever you want, I know what's up. Most people can't get past the looks.
"They're fags!" they say. Yet all their videos have hotties in them, most of the songs are about chicks or working on how to get down their pants. OK, I'm lying. Most of their songs are actually pretty deep and wierd. Simon LeBon is a fantastic writer of lyrics, unfortunately most don't ever give it a chance.
Also, the two concerts I went to last year were wall to wall tits. Who's the fool NOW? I've also found their music highly successful in peeling a few panties off. Live, those guys are on par some of the best musicians in and out. Not only are they highly journeyed in their craft, they are wondrous showmen. It's not stuff to divert attention AWAY from them, they ARE the show. I'm just glad they decided to get back together as the original FAB FIVE once again. I never saw them with Warren, but it might be akin to when I saw Billy Idol back in 1990 WITHOUT Steve Stevens as opposed to last year WITH. No comparison, those songs sound so much better with the right man, or men, grinding out the tunes with you.
Yay for Duran, I await their next release and impending tour with outstretched arms...
Later, review for Nacho Libre seen earlier tonight...
Tune in, wont'cha...?
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