OK, no relation to Possumhaid. But THEY are, however, what I like to call... well...
THEY are: Trey Anastacio (from Phish fame), Les Claypool (Primus god), and last but not least...
Stewart Copeland! BWEEOOP! The Police drummer has a highly distinct sound, as do the other two super fantastico members. I was going to see them last weekend at that Bonneroo festival thing but the tickets were $200 just to get into this hell of a hippie/meth freak toilet clog. I ALSO would have been stranded there for FOUR DAYS.
Just wasn't able to pull it off. Not enough Geetis, Dinero, Moola...
But I can STILL enjoy their wonderful music til next chance to see them live.
I have also been jamming on a daily basis to the Jerry Reed Greatest Hits. That man could pick, and alot of those old songs are rocky as all get out! Add another outlaw to the list. I think I may of been made for the truck drivin' life.
"String beans to Utah-h-h-h-h-h..."
Next up: USA and the World Cup...
Now if you've read past entries, you'll know that I am all about Germany winning the Cup BUT...
(This is for the REST of the world, non USers)
What is up with all this hate for the USA? What the hell is WRONG with you people?
"Ze Americans vill go home vith zere heads tucked btveen zere tails, no?"
So now we are the EVIL SUPERPOWER that preens itself in the reflection from the blood of the "innocents" that we mow through in our quest for THE CRUDE. What a load of hogwash. This whole world makes me ill.
(The USers can come back in now)
As I was saying, this whole world makes me ill. Was it ALWAYS this loathsome and conniving? Were my young eyes bedazzled by a Reagan-led "Party til it's 1999" facade? Is this what the new millenium holds for the peoples of this great land? We are unloved by people who are just as dirty and guilty as ANYONE ELSE on this godforsaken planet. It's almost as if we are asking for a catastrophe big enough to turn our thoughts AWAY from each other. I used to want more children, now I'm not so sure. I'm just hoping this is a pattern in the world that, too, will eventually pass and we will all be friends again. Not cutting each other's heads off. Oh yeah, I forgot. No Americans did THAT. And what the fuck? Do you ALL really think that your good ol' buddeh, Uncle Sam from the U.S. of A., wants to take control of the world in it's merciless iron grip?
We are your friends. Did you all forget about those two little world wars we pulled the rest of you from the brink of? What is Dubya going to have to do with ANYTHING about Iraq after his term is up? Absolutely nothing. I think we've done the right thing so far, with the exception of staying at a safe distance to just pummel the land with rockets and bombs until its nothing but a smoking crater. There are things that are beyond our scope of knowledge, we are better and safer for this. Someday, farther down the road we will get to see WHY we went over THERE. Alot of bizarre things have turned up since it all started. Sanctions? They were worthless with all those backdoor deals Kofi and gang were having with Saddam. Weapons? Now we know why Germany, France, and Russia were so reluctant to join us in call for an end to an inhumane ruler. Oh yeah, they were ARMING them. Woops! How long do you think it would have been until they had THE BIG ONE?
Which leads me to last. Nukes. Amazing that their neighbor was secretly working on some nukies. Iranians. People who would probably LOVE to enjoy a life of freedom if the few that controlled the country didn't shield harmlessly curious peepers from "the Western Menace". I've seen pictures of people hanged for simply being gay. And they were around fifteen. Pretty harsh if you ask me. But then, I'm just a [FILL IN YOUR RADICAL MUSLIM, AMERICAN HATING PHRASE HERE]. I would just love to hear one of you non-USers admit what I'm saying, just once. You know WHY you all hate us. Not a GOOD reason, but a reason. Can you turn that scrutinous gaze back at your own selves? I doubt it. But then again, neither could I. But I know American soldiers aren't babykillers. Although there have a been a few wayward incidents in this ball of hellish confusion, I think if everybody wasn't so morbidly drawn to the negative aspects of it all, this would already have been over. Wow, our first war that was waged on the internet battlefield as well as in the real world. Murder on video becomes the norm on the World Wide. There is something wrong with us. Not postmortem pics of unfortunates, the actual butcherings done right there while some moron praises a NONEXISTENT GOD. If I EVER saw someone do that in the name of Jesus, I'd freak out. If your god thinks beheadings, or ANY of that holy blubber is A-OK, then chances are, he's as fake as any of the peaceful ones. THEY just don't intrude on other people's privacy and/or vital bodily functions. Besides...
You are ALL wrong!
I know what happens to us ALL when we die. You will see...
Spanish music over the loudspeakers while working an endless Saturday in Hell's Chicken Plant, and you just KNOW the A/C is gonna be busted up in that sumbitch!
Ole, buddeh!
Now go check out that Oysterhead cd, The Grand Pecking Order...
Oysterhead RAWKS!
I got something you will definitely want, and it ain't bluegrass!
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