All inside ONE head! Harmlessly hapless cartoon clown VERSUS evil Stephen King space alien dream spiderclown thingy that defies all classification. Ther are quite a few more in there. Feel much better, by the way, now that I've vented. I got up at 11:30 am today, and goofed around back here most the day so far. My doctor gave me some kind of Alleve so that may be why I feel so caged in. I will let it get out of my system so I can see if I'm better. Too bad, my sinuses felt great. I seem to always trade one punishment for another. But I just had some of the best ribs on the entire planet, made by ME, so nothing is going to knock me off my perch for at least another hour or three. Soaked in beer for a full day, I tell you. Then lovingly slow roasted in the oven, smothered in K.C. style BBQ sauce. Every sweet/spicy bite causing shivers of ecstacy to run down my spine...
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