"We likeses it, don't we?"
A reflection of its creator.
I am a simple man, and ask for very little, except possibly your undying loyalty, and whatever bits of chocolate you may have upon your person. I am also easy to please, this meaning I'd really love to hear some feedback from y'all heeyah...
"We likeses it, don't we?"
Even from the haters.
Most of the blogs I find here on blogger are either gay political wannabe's who worship Michael Moore work like it's the Bible, or they are just plain too gosh darn boring to bother with. I will admit that I came here after reading the complete blog of Kevin Underwood, the Oklahoma Blogging Kid Cannibal, which ended up being kinda pathetically lame in itself.
If I still had all my Masters of the Universe action figures today, I would dedicate a blog and many score of video to their mighty escapades. I saw the Transformers Movie this weekend so that's what brought this crazy, half moon babbling about. I never was a big fan of cars, or ones that turned into anything else. The movie was ok, but a little dizzifying in its effects and fast paced, wild angled shots.
Muthafucka gave me Taco Neck before all was said and done. I give it a C+, would've been more if they wouldn't have spent so much time trying to get the Even Stevens kid laid, and got down to some asskicknicityness!!!
John Turturro was pretty sweet as a weirdo FBI agent eerily reminiscent of Jeffrey Combs character from The Frighteners.
So back to Masters of the Universe. I hear they are actually planning a new movie, and I sure hope to hell it is an adult version, because I wanna see some serious shit go down. When they did the original, Dolph Lundgren did all he could, but special effects were just completely unable to capture what I like to call WTF, for the sake of movie magic. And adding some balls to make it rule. Also, their best bet to direct and possibly write this is someone who played with those badass toys well up into their early adult life...
Cough, cough.
Yeah, me. Well at least someone my age, because I was their target consumer when they started, and bought every little thing they put out with my hard earned lawn mowing money. He Man was the coolest, and he didn't even have THE STACHE.
He didn't need it. But he had one deep inside though...
We all got a little in us when the need calls.
Andy Dick?
Ok, well maybe not Andy Dick.
Damn, it's near 7am...
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