"A dream dance, a shared romance..."
(They opened with it!!!)
I can't believe I found pics and video of it the next freakin' day!!!

When I get there, the exit before mine claims that it's the exit I'm searching for. But I pass it on by. Already the sick feeling in my tummy is beginning, with good reason as I can see my exit is thoroughly backed up. It is closed when I get there, and I'm detoured into a part of town where I am painfully aware that I am now a minority...
"A hated one at that!!!"
Damn you, Mapquest!!!

I also stopped at a few tee shirt stands, and got this one:

"My bunghole was puckered a time or two."
I hung out with my Buddeh Keithy until it was well into daylight hours, then took my dad to breakfast. Then I headed on home to finish out the rest of my week's vacation.
And toketh some more...
It has been a tough week of vacation. I hit a kid last week on a bicycle with my car and finished off a difficult class for work, among many other stressful things. I will go into these a little more in detail later, I just wanted to get this out there, before it fades from my memory.
Especially the accident with the kid. It was quite nerve wracking, and I am still unable to find out his condition, Hell I just hope he wasn't hurt too bad, if at all...
What a Police Themed vacation!!! Both kinds. The ones that make you squeal with glee, and the ones that just make you squeal.
And I don't ever wanna hit another kid, I almost didn't even go to the concert because of it. I felt really bad for awhile, the whole damned weekend, because some kid decided to dart across the street right in front of me. He's lucky I didn't kill him.
"Hell, you're lucky it wasn't your fault!!!"
That I am, that I am...
Still, if that little turd wouldn't have done what he did, I wouldn't nearly have had a coronary while I was surrounded by the fuzz.
Now when I even see a kid, I get all nervous-like and paranoid another will come flying out of nowhere. I'm pretty sure you are only allowed one hit kid in your lifetime. After that, they start with the whole pattern thing. What if you're like me though?
"Really fucking unlucky at times..."
Check out my videos I added to the right side of the blog, they are kickass, and you get to see just what the Graveh does in his spare time...
Besides toke, and pummel kids with his car!
I wish I had been at the show with you. I'm sure I would have been crying like a little girl with joy.
Sorry to hear about the kid. I know it had to be hard for you, but I hope that he wasn't hurt too badly.
Yeah, still no news, but I got a letter from a lawyer the other day, and was like Nooooooooooooo!!!
But it was just some jackass who'd collect accident people's names and sent out mass letters offering to represent them, much like when someone gets a DWI. So I guess no news is good news, right?
Ok, whew!!!
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