"Onward to the next subject..."

Everytime I saw him he was either on the upswing, or down of it. Never in between. I really did like him, but he was doing too much KOOKOO juice to be around without thinking he was gonna end up having police involved somehow. He was a fragile soul and when he'd have his shit together, he was nothing like that picture.
For some reason or another, he was getting a prescription for methodone, possibly for a neck or back injury in the past. I used to buy my weed from him, and occasionally counseled him on things he was bothered by, and what to do to change these things. He was often very depressed and enslaved by the medication fed to him by people who did not care what they were doing.
I started AA and he was intrigued at my own personal transformation, although more physical than mental.
"But that is something entirely disputable somewhere else more appropriate..."
Yes, keep to the subject...
As I've never felt comfortable sponsoring anyone, since I'm not perfectly mentally balanced by any means, I had often given him advice, and offered to take him to some meetings. He never went, but I heard he had been thinking about hooking up with me after he got out of jail this time. And that makes me sad that he didn't. It is a shame, and he has two small children who will probably grow up without a father, barring a miracle as he is on some kind of assisted breathing device now.
I had thought about him too, recently, and wondered if he'd straightened his shit out. Someone said they had gotten a divorce, he and Amanda, his wife.
So in summation, I will say he was an oddball to be sure, but if you knew how to handle him, he was actually an alright guy. Soon, although I hope and pray not, he will be returning to the earth. Another man's mental anguish will subside, to replaced by another.
"And another. And another..."
Et cetera...
With the exception of marijuana (as it is not a "drug"), I believe true drugs, including carelessly prescribed ones, have nothing in store for you but alot of bad times and eventually an early grave. I have no answers to any of life's questions and no cure all soul fixers, I am just a wayward onlooker, held captive by the travesties surrounding me.
Those fucking earthly clamors. They drown out my peaceful harmonious existence. Bad enough that I am a slave to the flesh...
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