You know what happens when you push someone away? They seeth, they rasp, they shake their fists at the sky!
"Sometimes they even roil and occasionally gnash their teeth!!!"
Then comes the dejection...

You wonder why. And where. And just the fuck when. Slipping, so slow you don't even notice it.
"Until too late?"
Take it away and you no longer hold sway. Plots and schemes will take form and refuse to be held at bay. There's no other way, I'm afraid to say...

So here I am just hangin' around, swinging aimlessly, telling you a cryptic story/ life lesson. Yet I can't tell you how it all turns out, as I haven't gotten there yet. All I can say is...
"Fight the powers that be!!!"
And prudence be damned!!!
Get with the program people. I can't do this by myself anymore...
I feel like I've been kicked away from the table for farting.
"Ever been there...?"