^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SO RED THE ROSE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Can anyone spot the irony here?
(The post title and the accompanying picture...)
The answer will be on the next post at the end, so stay tuned kiddies for that extrava-bonanza-ganza!
"Hint, please?"
Arcadia...John Taylor...
In other news, I am sitting here getting a little glassy eyed, and looking through what is coming out tomorrow in the theaters via the web. Very depressing, the best out of the lot was some retarded prison comedy. I'm sure it's chocked full of scenes of black guys trading smokes for white boys' cornholes. Not interested in that shit personally, but that does raise another query with which I will set up the background info on first. Our town and neighboring Fayetteville have adopted the ban on smoking in any public establishment. I even have to go outside to smoke at Zabana's Latin Club. What a crock of shit, I am eyed by non smoking rule enforcers wherever I am, even in a designated place, as if I were the criminal!
Thus the segway...
In jail, not only do they smoke inside (at least in the movies!!!), they use it like currency and/or to indebt some poor slob into sexual servitude. Those fuckers get to puff away indiscriminately and without hassle, whilst I lurk in the shadows taking a drag menacingly, whilst scheming my dastardly plans of all your deaths by second hand smoke, and whilst some environment loving fake hippie douche lectures me on my thoughtlessness due, I'm sure, to the fact that I've been brainwashed by the evil Republicans running our government.
"How's that for a senseless rant?"
Woopty doo, what does it all mean, Basil? It means I'm gonna go see Harsh Times tomorrow instead of the lukewarm prison poo-fest. These days it seems you can't go wrong with Christian Bale, he's a hot actor on the up and coming, if'n you catch my drift. The Prestige, The Machinist, Batman, uhhh, and a few other ones that escape a tired, overworked, and underfed mind such as mine.
By the way, I've been sick most of the week. I'm getting better but seem to be sprouting a pimple inside my nose that hurts like the dickens.
Boy howdy does life try to kick you in the balls when you are already down, doesn't it? I haven't had a nose pimple in years, yet it rears its ugly whitehead just in time for festive holiday snapshots.
I will be the one, once again lurking...
Behind the turkey leg!!!
"Turkey lurkin'?"
And fin.
1 comment:
Christian Bale is just plain f-ing hot.
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