Friday, June 07, 2013

Chocolate Wizard...

 Cool ride, I saw it outside the courthouse the other day. I was there for my dog's day in court. He allegedly  killed the neighbor's dog, and then bit her. We have another court date on the 28th of this month, so I'll go into greater detail at a later time...
Anyhoo, went home today from work because my eye is all fucked up. I think I have an infection, and probably scratched my cornea today. I have to find a doctor today to cover my ass at work. Phooey!!!
Here's a closer view of the door piece. Gotta love someone who is a zombie freak like myself. I should've tried to hook up for next season of The Walking Dead...
Wow, so I was just watching the stuff I DVR'ed last night. Jonah Hill and Danny McBride were on separate shows I wanted to see that were on after my beddie bye time. I ended up having some breakfast and a nice flagon of vegetable juice to wash mein cheerios down with. Then I forgot all about the here and there of it all and spaced out for a few in front of the TV...
That's right, I sat staring at a crossdresser I keep in the corner for just such occasions.
Man, I'm dying to see This Is The End. I've been watching interviews nonstop on it, especially the late night fare. It is going to hit me as hard as Pineapple Express, I bet. I will see it many, many times.
Yea, I will.
I've also been watching the Donner cuts of Superman 1 and 2. I can't wait for Man of Steel, so I listened to both commentaries. He sure did not get along with the Salkinds. I wonder if they had a side to the story. He claims a budget and times were never mentioned, and that they always just said he was over on both. He also claimed they got rid of him and Marlon Brando pretty much just over money, and them not wanting to pay any of it. I hope to find something more on it all.
I also watched the mild feud between Dane Cook and T.J. Miller. Teej, as I like to call him, tweeted stuff about Dane bumping him, insulting the crowd for about an hour, and then leaving said hostile crowd for him to soothe. Joe Rogan, the eternal dickwheel, chatted with Dane about it on his crap show. I enjoyed listening to two shitty hacks talking more shit about an awesome comic. I was surprised, too, to hear Ari Shaffir chime in a few times. I think he feels some loyalty to Joe for backing him on the Mencia thangie a long time ago. My conclusion: Teej is the bomb, and Dane and Joe need to 69 each other somewhere a bit more private.
End of story. Fuck them.
Hmmm, drawing a blank on anything else remotely interesting to say. Trying to hit a gym some, eating right, looking better. Still too hideous to post many pictures. Add my red, puffy, oozing eyes and you've got a real winner. A real... eye sore. Yeah...
Suck it, world.

1 comment: said...

so nice blogger