Bleu Graveh...I am in the midst of cleaning out my closet and came upon a bag of pictures...
"Sidetracked again..."I'm scanning quite a few of them and will use as stock footage in the future whenever I just don't have time to whip up a shitty looking Windows paint jobbie!
Woopety DOO!!!I would tell you about Dead Silence but it was kind of retarded, a new millenium's Darkness Falls. Instead of looking at her, it's screaming you have to worry about. She'll get your tongue if you do. Something about silencing
those who silenced
her, and a bunch of other far fetched shizzle. I gave it a C-, and I think that is pretty generous. The special effects and creepiness kept it out of D range.
"And so we come to the next choice of topping to be ladled on, lovingly, to be perused by your visual palate..."
A happier time for the old Graveh? To become the Illusionist again and just... make us both disappear. Start over. Be all that I'd planned on being without the time lost. But I guess the downside would have to be something like I'd still have all the memories that drove me to this fantasy voyage in the first place.
I guess I'm just down or something. I'm feeling the Bleu more than the black and white right now.
"Can ya feel me, Clyde, can ya... feel me...?The world is without flavor, the fever has subsided. I am anxious, yet do not know why, because I hunger for nothing. I feel unquenchable, but I have no thirst. Worse than feeling too much, I feel void of all emotion right now. The evils I could accomplish right now, the plagues I could unleash...
The fires to blaze...
And burn!Cleanse it all by peeling away the brittle, crumbly layers of self absorption and refusal to face the things that go bump in the night, like the charred pages of a scorched book. I once wanted and had love for all things.
What is more maddening: the realization, or the wayward path I took to get to this precipice from which I now hang, one handed from? And why do I speak of it as if it means nothing to me?
I don't even feel anger over it anymore, it is more akin to throwing one's arms in the air as if in silent pleading. And looking helplessly skyward.
Ironic when it feels like I'm plummeting the other direction...
"Will I ever touch down again, let alone hit the target?"Will I even care when I get there...?Like I've said before, I'm wont to see this thing thru until the big show. I like fire, and how the flames howl and lick at the night. But opportunity may present itself with an unyielding enticement at a moment's notice.
"Succumb..."I can't seem to find the right lie,
I can't seem to find the right lie,
Insanity's horse,
Adorns the sky,
Can't seem to find the right lie...
Maybe it's with the remote, under the couch...