Ok, I've fumed long enough. What the fuck happened to the Bears after that initial kickoff return? Actually, they got ever more horrendous as the rain increased. They acted like they had never played in the rain before. Indianapolis wasn't much better, hell, even the kicker doinked one. I guess the forces of nature really wanted a cheeseball fuck like Peyton to get his "due" or whatever the deal was for him to win the big one. I also did not watch the Prince halftime shindig. Just wasn't interested in watch a guy barely over five feet tall wielding his guitar like it was an extension of his manhood. But I did stay and watch the whole dabacle unfold. So...
On to next season then, after a quick romp this weekend to Hawaii for the Pro Bowl. I normally halfass watching it whilst doing other things. I'm just hoping Herm gets a little more going next year and that Priest and Larry can both go downtown on a regular basis. If they can both hang on the same team. I'm hoping. Larry is a workhorse and Priest is a razzle dazzle sort of guy. A lethal combination.
So let's have at it then, Juan Puto, give me your best shot, if you haven't actually forgotten where this lil slice of web heaven is. I'm waiting...
I know this is probably a lame post, but I can't be the shit everytime, now can I? And I like to share the lameness of my life and the lamer things that make my day go round; physically and mentally. Not just ramble on conspiracy theories and Sassafrassquatch sightings like there is no tomorrow. I liken it to those childhood trips to Sunday School at the Assemblies of God in Eldon, Missouri. Get up at the crack of dawn to get on the Joy Bus, ride to some overly adorned building, inside and out, endure their bullshit for a few hours, then hop back on the Joy Bus to be deposited at my driveway with...
"The prize!!!"
Yes, gang, nothing gets kids closer to Jesus than by promising them bags of candy when you drop them off at their house, after the attempted brainwashing. Sometimes, they gave you ice cream sandwiches, praise glory hallelujah!!! So if you can sift through the symphony of Worldly Clamour that is my thoughts and feelings, and get a chuckle or feel my anguish, then fuck it. It's all good. Enjoy the silliness, too. I'm going to go see Hannibal Rising Friday night, so I will have more time to myself and possibly might just be in the mood for something. I don't know exactly what yet, but I'm feeling it right now coming on...
Could be the bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats though...
I love trailing off in my sentences...
I see you are finally brave to post on the Superbowl. I tell you colts rule, but you now eating it. I wish I could have seen you face when the looser bears made it to the end. I knew that Colts were the way, but you say chiefs all the time at work. Now you see. Now you know it. Thank you for eating the crow and making me the winner.
Methinks you may be right, Jay.
On to Juanito the Culito Bandito's comments. I wish you could have seen my face too, when the Bears lost. Because that would probably mean that I was kicking the dog slobbers out of you, for your insolence, or the shit eating grin across your face. You, and Indy, are lucky it rained, because up until that point, Peyton was getting his ass handed to him. Any given Sunday, wise ass, any given Sunday...
I will never give up on the Chiefs. They are my home team, I root for them through thick and thin, not just when they are winning. What would be the point of that? It's called loyalty, and isn't something to be taken lightly. Stay tuned to my blog, because starting next training camp, it'll be more of the same. Alot of me wishing nothing but the best for my beloved team, and hoping the Colts go by way of the Steelers in their title defending season. From champs to chumps...
I ain't scared of what you have to say. In truth, I've just been too busy, and a little under the weather. And what are you talking about "at work"? Are you actually claiming to know me? Now I'm gonna be looking out for a greasy little turd in his Indy Superbowl Champs tee shirt, so I can donkey punch my way into his heart...
Through the bottom of his asshole!
So, how do you prepare crow anyway? Roast it or what? I would think it would be a bit tough, but maybe that's because I think they're just ugly birds.
I think that it's all a dirty, rotten, stinking conspiracy. NFL WANTED the Colts to win so that Peyton could have a Super Bowl ring to fit over the top of his pointy head. Yeah, I said it - Manning has an ugly shaped head. It's just not normal, I tells ya!
Thanks, Ronnie, now I'm singing Juanito the Bandito in my head:
Lock up your shed because Juanito's coming
Just crossed over into Mexico
Lock up your pigsty and your daughters
Cos if it moves, you know old Juanito
Young ladies he likes to ravish
He knows how to make them wet
And if he can't, he'll dig himself a hole
or go looking for your favorite pet, Ole!
They call him Juanito the bandito
Lock up your things, you?ll be robbed
They call him Juanito
The randy bandito
Oh, how many people have sobbed his name?
He wears a soft sun-soaked sombrero
A droopy moustache to his chin
He will hold up stab or shoot you
So that he can get it in O.K.
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