Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Squirrel Nut Slippers...

Wow, so gifs work here now?
So anyhoo, finished my latest evaluation from work which I passed with flying colors.
Yippity doo dah!!!
Now the other two have to do theirs. I, however, am done with that shit until next year. I do think I won't be worried anymore after this last one. I finally feel like I've thoroughly got it down.
Moving on...
Saw Wreck It Ralph and The Hobbit again. I meant to see that Oz movie with James Franco, but I would seriously prefer to avoid the masses as it were. Not a fan...
We did watch [REC]3 last night. Very nicely done, and the gore was pretty dang sweeet in itself. Thankfully, they dropped the whole found footage angle, and did this one like it should be.
Crystal clear, without all the shakiness...
Other than that, not much going on. Just chillin', tokin', and being a general loungeabout.
Thinking alot, having revelations, all that jazz. Also workiing out and eating extremely healthy. Everyone notices finally that I've lost alot of weight, or redistributed it. I feel decently physically. Mentally, I'm ok. Nothing super duper, but I'm not all wah wahhhhhhhhhh or mad.
Soon, I will be ready for pictures again. I had a temporary ban going, but it's about to be lifted.
Yay for me!!!
Yeah, I guess I'm on an upswing. Everything seems to be going ok, nothing great, but nothing catastrophic looming in the semi near future to spook me back into my rabbit hole.
Run, Ronnie, Run!!!
About the only thing that's really bugging me right now still is the fact that I feel always like I'm rushing, rushing, rushing...
To my death?!?
That's what it feels like. I chase time. I'm never on time. I'm always on the brink of it, hanging by a fingernail on the edge of it. I want to settle down, relax. Block out all the wayward noises...
I just want peace. I'm trying to have it. The only problem is that it's one squirrelly sumbitch.
And that little fucker has some teeth on him...
One way or the other, he's still going in the pan. No buts about it, gonna roast those nutz...
And make slippers out of his stinking pelt.

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