I love her. When I got her, she was kind of malnourished and neglected. I need to spend more time letting her stretch her legs. Too much time caged...

I would love for her to eat raw meat, or maybe boiled chicken. Someday I want to raise a farmload of them, throw in live chickens and watch them devour it, feathers and all. This would be sweeeet.

She can be quite a handful. Before she had a cage, she ran free, but I got tired of her not using her litterbox. Bad move on her part, because I ain't having it. I wish she would play more and hide less. She always wants you to chase or find her, and she can get into places you can't readily pull her out of.
Still, all in all, she is a great pet, I just wish I had more free time for her. I want to start making kickass ferret movies of her frolicking. We could all take note from a page in her book. That is if she could actually write some shit down, right?
So this is my little pet, dost thou liketh?
She has never bitten anyone, and I doubt she would. But if you are lower down on the food chain...
Watch out!
She used to ride my guinea pig and then sink her teeth into its shoulder. The shrieks were unbearable, so I got rid of the guinea pig. Besides, she stank, and shit constantly. And did nothing. If you were sneaking around the house in the dark, she would bust me out. When I'd be fucking, she'd make noise and throw me off, the little bitch.
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