In the end it would be better to have never been awakened. You lay dying at the end of my blade. Ebbing...
Into me, and out of me. My feelings for you wrestle each other for yet but a toehold...

Lost, I am, at times. Mortally wounded at others...
The undeserved cry unashamedly for themselves.
The Eternal Champion is reluctantly born anew.
Shackles are thrown off, to be shown a new... larger cage.
One without bars, yet without options...
So many parallels do I draw with Elric. I kill all that I love and draw their strengths selfishly into myself. Then comes the move where I use my foot to push you off the end of my sword...
I see and experience things that occasionally seem too much to be coincidence. Places I'm forced to wander, like I'm being led. But to what?
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