It is not for the faint of heart, or for the weakest of wills. It is a metamorphasis, a changing of the guard, so to speak...
To strip oneself of the tainted foolishness that comes with the newly garbed and the freshly picked, right off the vine...
Oh, to live in the phantasmal. To run fingers through the ripple and to feel it's soothing liquid refreshment upon parched lips...
And then to find oneself standing on a distant precipice, afraid to leap. The dream has been lost, and victory has been snatched this day...
If such is the case...

Sorry, where were we?
I'm really tired for some reason and kind of dizzy/headachy. What to do, what to do?
"The Devil's work for idle hands," they say...
If I won the Powerball, I would offer to take my half and live the life of a hermit. I need only a few people to ever come visit me. The rest can just fuck off. I can do all my bills and banking online, and live somewhere way the fuck out there. Somewhere that still has internet and satellite cable...
I can bring back all the cool shit to play with, have food brought in once a week that I order, and have all the equipment and outside area to work out and run.
Live some kind of fish and plantlife type diet and commune with nature, ALONE.
Grow some killer buds, and forget the wearies of this shithole. It is a symphony of worldly clamours...
Someone shut it the fuck up.
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