Explosions, explosions. When will it all end? Dunno, but I'm hoping things turn out alright in the long run. Time to see where fortunes wind up heeyah. I'm sorry to be so cryptic, but it's better than not posting at all. Or is it? I did a video for Nik Kershaw's Wouldn't It Be Good extended version. Tis up at the top somewhere. He is awesome, and he actually answered back an email I sent him at one time. Whee for me.
Not much else. Getting ready for my oral conference to see whether I get suspended or not for three days. Looks like it, as the guy that's going to do it was an asshole over the phone. Woops, guess I can't be late for a very long time.
Oh wellz...
More later. Fun and joy... and joyness.
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