I went to the doctor yesterday, after the hellacious five day weekend I had before that.
Bad kidney infection, and my stomach must've gotten involved, because I threw up blood constantly Sunday, which in turn reamed out my pipes from all the acid coming back up. I pretty much didn't eat for five days, and I won't mention what else I did.
"Liquid diet, perhaps?Indeed.I was given ciprofloxacin, a heavy antibiotic, to knock this shit out. I had thought it was either a pulled muscle that wouldn't unkink, or kidney stones again...
But I was all nervous and jittery from you know what, and constantly nauseous. So they gave me promethazine, which I'd thought was some kind of super acid reflux killer or something.
"No-o-o-o-o-o-o sir!"The dreams I have had...It says it can be a heavy sedative, or great for insomnia. It was also used as an antipsychotic in the past. The chick doctor gave me the highest dose pills you can get, 25mg. If I would've taken it how she said, I'd be dead. I only finally took 1/4 of a pill last night, and boy did it hit hard. At first, I felt just kind of woozy, then extremely drousy. I fell asleep for 5-10 minutes watching Teen Wolf, then woke up all funky and kinda messed up feeling. When sleep overtook me again, I had really screwed up dreams. end of the world fare, but very vivid, very...
"Surreal?"Frighteningly.The things I remember, and can divulge, is that I was staying in some big hotel with family and other people I've known in the past. I was outside somewhere, and I looked to the sky. I could see this wierd cloud formation going on, like the mother of all tornadoes was spawning. Then I saw the tendrils coming out of it, and how large it really was. I alerted the person I was with, and we left. I got back to the room, and told everyone I was hallucinating or something, because I had seen what I thought to be the end of it all. Or soon to be.
"Did they confirm your suspicions of visual kookooness on your part?"Did they ask you what you'd been smoking, and if you had any to break out?Someone turned on the TV to CNN, and I was flabbergasted. Many things: giant figures floating on air, strange beasts, and just plain craziness. Alot of things from the bible, and they weren't happy. And no one in the room seemed to be bothered by it. Almost like acceptance of what was about to hit. I don't remember much after that. And when I woke up this morning, I was still woozy. The feeling didn't go away until, I think, I shit it out. And I've taken a shit five times now since I woke up.
I just thought I'd share what I remember since I don't usually dream, or remember them.
There was more, but of a personal nature I just can't share.
So anyway, like I said, I was watching Teen Wolf, which is an amazing movie. So many things going on at the same time, and Michael J Fox can act like a mofo. What a rare A+ movie. I also watched Knocked Up again earlier in the evening. Still good.
I haven't seen any movies since whatever I mentioned last time-ish. Debating on the Transformers, but it is superlong and I ain't big into cars, other than driving them.
Erm, what else? I was watching Battlestar Gallactica and Buck Rogers before, but had to take a break. So I'm almost finished with Silver Spoons now. Great, happy little show.
"Remember when your sisters curled you hair underneath at the bottom so you could look like him?Then the curling iron burn you received on your neck?Ha, we also tried the Flock of Seagulls 'do on me as well. That bird was not a healthy one.
Oh yeah, Michael Jackson. He died. Oh wellz.
Big deal.
I will say it. Fuck that pedophile. It's ok to pass trauma like that on because A: Daddy did it to him first, and B: he's so-o-o-o-o-o-o talented it should just be overlooked. How much did he pay in that settlement again? You don't pay if you didn't do it. It's like O.J. going free from murder charges only to find him negligable in their deaths...
Moments of silence they give him.
Why couldn't we have gotten that when he was alive, like...
Not having to hear about his legal woes, or what his other crazy family members were doing, or his music. Ha!
Raised up on a pedestal, I guess. And alot of lonely, demented buffoons worshipping him as a god. Downright pissed if you say a harsh word...
"On a pedestal..."Should've been put on a spit instead.Waddya want, a wing or a thigh...?