Where's the He Man Woman Haters Club when you need them?
I saw the reboot Friday the 13th movie last night. It had its moments, but overall wasn't anything new, and it missed some of the late 70s/early 80s nuances it once had. It is funny how they still try to kind of make the same teen fun movies, but fail miserably. Nothing compares, and all fall short. The soundtracks even kicked ass. I was thinking yesterday about how times have changed and lack what they did back in "the day".
In "the day" everyone talked about Kung Fu, and carried nunchukkas. When you turned on the radio, amazing new music was heard on a daily basis. Shit didn't cost you an arm and a leg, and the world had a sheen upon it, the likes of which most of you haven't seen. At least since, that's for damn sure...
Lestat hid away in his house, fearing any noises heralding a new dawning of a new age, something he couldn't comprehend, or fought against as wholeheartedly as he could muster. I think we do that, CHANGE. In the end it all goes to ruin. Our highest hopes locked away for all time, to be sifted through by no one. Abandon all hope.
Abandon all hope.

Poof. There is worse out there than just vanishing. In some video games, there are places that you can get stuck, where you can't get out, and you can't off yourself.
It's like that. Whoever put those there was one cruel bastard, and don't even try to tell me those are accidents. Everything is everything for a reason.
Or is it?
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