Who would join me upon this journey to understanding of... any of it all, when there is none to be had?
It is cold outside, the dog has not even been long in the ground, and I feel hunger. Or is it thirst?
Should we play a game with the fanged coven, or just sparkle in the sun as the hushed whispers furtively dart between the tongues and teeth of tweens all giddy from the pregame ritual of memorization and swooneriffic fantasia? I see flickers of radiance in my peripheral vision.
Here in the twilight of my dependence of independence, I proclaim few things.
Gotta take pay for the saint's and sinners in regulation hats and scarves and things.
Walk in formation down the lane, they carry their cross make a church bell ring.
(Bring the army down)
Army majors pull a mean cool truth they're lying by the swimming pool.
Searching for the undeniable truth that a man is just a fool.
Soon to be vanquished to a lukewarm can of Spagetti-O's near you. Or to the cold center of a convenience store microwave burrito, skimped upon by the fickle finger of Time, among other Gawds of the Microwaveable Netherworld...
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