Before I go any further, click on these pics as they be sweeet gif images, especially the Hitler one.
So where was I? I saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas last night, it was good. I give it an A. Maybe you have to be in the mood for this kind of thing...

This was a bleak film, but very short. I left wanting more, and wondering why there wasn't more detail to it. There definitely could have been more made out of it. Wonder what happened to the family after, did the mother hang herself in grief and shame? Did the father ever redeem himself, or just give in fully to the monster within him? What about that poor soldier sent off to the front line, did he make it out? Doubt that one...
So anyway, it's cold as fuck here and tomorrow I have to be at another plant to work over there, so I shan't be up too late tonight.
Awwwww, who am I kidding? I should wrap myself around a huge bottle of gin, and then wrap my car around a tree. I won't though.
Le sigh.
Holidays suck. I remember getting Castle Grayskull for XMAS one year, and they all gradually went down from there. Maybe life is about falling in love with things, only to leave them discarded, or watch them wither of their own accord. Which is the nobler deed?
I'm now starting to understand how fucked up it all is. Easier too, when you realize how many things you still have around you from ten years... fifteen years... twenty years or more...?
Things rot, things disintegrate, things... lose luster.
It all blurs, it all... turns too like Anne Rice's belief that vampires turn to madness when the times change around them. Even Lestat went through it. Too bad they ruined it with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in the starring roles. Once again, another example of life's bullshit.
I ramble, and I feel all marmly. Robble robble.
I actually have shit to do tonight, but I feel crappy due to this shitty weather putting my sinuses on lockdown. My kid is singing in Fayetteville tonight, another is singing here in town. I wanted to work out but that's looking like a no go either. I don't like to run with a headache.
So anyway, peace out whoever. Space.