Chocolate Goddess on the mountain top,
Burning like an ebony flame,
Dark summit of beauty and love,
And Condy was her name!
Her weapons were her charcoal eyes,
Making every man a man,
Black as the dark night she was,
Got what no-one else had,

Yeah, baby, she's got it!
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire,
At your desire.
You know old Barrack has to have tried to tap dat ass. Condy is way finer than his old lady anyday. So he gave Hilldawg a spot on his roster, wasn't expecting that either.
Regardless, I'm not a religious person but I swear if there is like some assassination attempt on him, and he looks like he takes a direct head shot...
If he shows up later totally unfazed, I may just be a changed man. Kidding, but I like how he isn't even PREZ yet, and I'm already hearing about all the promises he made during his campaign that he's already gonna be unable to do.
Wow, nobody ever questioned that at the time, they were too busy jizzing themselves over being gypped into believing they were part of some historical bullshit and breathing heavily in the media/celebrity gaseous clouds of their smug fartiness of divine intervention on our common peasant, inbred asses. Ha!
I love how it is assumed that the world didn't hate us prior to the first time Dubya ever flushed the White House toilet. Eight years of blinders under a self absorbed, hornytoad bumpkin like Bill was more than enough time for the rest of the world to gather and plot our demise.
You gotta hang out around the water cooler to hear the latest gossip and stay in the know on who's trying to ram something explosive up your ass. And in this case, the water cooler is the Middle East. Obama can't get us out of there, and as we tuck tail and run, they will bid us farewell with harsh words and a few final rockets to boot.
McCain wasn't going to keep us in some kind of war with Iraq. The hope was to have those guys finally cover their own asses, and we would have a presence there like we had in Japan. I've even heard him explain it with mein own ears, and saw his lips move with mein own eyes.
Who knows what Obama will do? I do believe he is about to have some tests coming up, one being Iran and Israel. They are not going to let Iran have nuclear capabilities. They are going to mercilessly bomb the fuck out of them. Will this, along with further disastrous events, start the end all of world wars?
"Will the devil have his day"
Kidding, geez!
Einstein once said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
I wonder if there were any past civilizations that crawled up out of the mud, or from eons huddled in caves, to have the mental might, yet the moral depravity, to nearly destroy humanity as a whole. Maybe we just got lucky to the point where a few, but just enough to restock the population, survived. Started all over. Invented god or something in hopes of scaring people from ever again trying to be too big for their britches.
Lied to future generations long enough to let the past fade away...
I think we are teetering. They are watching to see if that wobble was from blood leakage, or faked to draw the wolves in a little closer for the strike.
Well that's all for me now tonight, I'm hungry. Deal with it...