I know you will love this, as now there is more of me to love. It is like being borne on the wings of angels, their wing feathers kissing you ever so gently.
We saw Beowulf 2, did I mention? Good too, once again. I also put up some Christmas lights and will get the roof done tomorrow, if I don't have a stroke from all the anger involved in accomplishing this feat. I will probably have to do some inside the house tree-work too, which means I will be covered in deep, painful scratches, and sap. Damn it...
What else? It's cold as shit here. Well, not actually, since shit is usually pretty warm. I guess it depends on how long it's been sitting out. The kinda shit I'm talking about would have come out of an Eskimo's ass and left out all night on a glacier, or something...
Really fucking cold.
"Like a witches tit..."
Yeah can't you see I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here? To top it off, I'm out of Vicodins, and I'd went through a prescription of near 200. I'm gonna miss 'em...
We don't.
"That's because he took them to get rid of us, remember?"
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