"The boy's a bit daft of lates..."
Boy now howdeh?

Soul pirates...
Get your headgear around this!!!
Herb is once again in plenty, and fundage abounds. I've seen alot of new movies but have been too lazy to post them. Good Luck Chuck was good, I give it a B+ due to major wood from Jessica Alba. Mr. Woodcock I give maybe a C+, I just wasn't into it. Dragon Wars was lame, I wasn't into that crap at all. But I saw Resident Evil 3 twice now already, it was the cream of the crop. A+ all the way. I didn't much care for the Alice storyline but damn those zombies were foin!!!
So what else: Bought kid an XBOX 360 or whatever, and the Halo 3 game blows, but the guitar game is kinda fun.
All I've been listening to lately is Persuasion by Adam Ant, his great unreleased album. This was to be his return to the throne methinks, I'm still oddly pissed about it. Too bad record companies still had alot of pull back then, glad the net is taking some of that control back out of their greedy little paws. This album is like brain candy baby. Too bad most will never know it...
I'm bored, I need something to do. A hobbeh. I was working on my serial killer mentality by spiraling ever downwards. I can't seem to let go at the very end though, it's kinda like not putting out your arms as you are falling to stop the fall, most of the time it can't be done. And you damn sure ain't gonna able to keep from wincing, because that shit can twist up your neck something fierce. I've actually perfected this ability to let go and fall without moving in any way to cushion the fall. But then again, I know, and can accept, the pain it will surely blanket me with, and the lingering ache in my neck to remind me of the folly of this bizarre and meaningless experiment.
"Or the time you launched yourself at that tree with only a bump hat to protect you, and got about ten feet or so of air before you turned your neck on that tree trunk and ended up pinching a nerve. You could barely move for a couple days after..."
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I'm still planning on getting tasered on camera soon. Physical pain doesn't bother me one bit, it's those mental barriers I have trouble with. And I don't mean going in. I mean coming back out. Once I give in, it's all over but the poking and the prodding. The why. And what caused such a tragedy.
I can see it now. He had problems way back, they would say. But he had gotten over them, and seemed an extremely normal person now. But there was always something about him, like desperation behind his words even more than in his eyes. He was like a saint, and a courteous fellow. But you always felt the touch of the damned, an abomination in hibernation...
I fit all the criteria. Numerous head injuries, and a profile of deviant behavior had anyone bothered to notice.
"Genius or madman?"
A bit of both.
Reality was never something I flourished in anyway. Daydreams of vengeful justice, delivered in most bloodcurdling detail. Multitudes of loving worshippers, knowing I'm about to blow their minds with a few tidbits of whatever happens to be floating around in my melon. Life as a music video, one long continuous dedication to the best of the 80's. An ever flowing funkfest, and I sparkle. I shine. I glow, and my brilliance can't be denied. It even slams into the eyelids with force enough to render most weak and unable to turn away. I am those times when you felt safe, yet they are faded. The future holds nothing but bleak despair. That is reality. Little pockets of cream filled goodness, surrounded by a stale, moldy, hardened crust of a once golden brown snacky cake. And it's ten times as thick. You'll get no milk to wash it down with either. It's sink or swim time, and everytime you take a bite, it seems like it expands to fill in the void as fast as you chomp down upon it. You have to have gotten to the middle before, you can almost still remember the taste and elation. Or did you ever really reach the middle?
"Content to nibble at the edges, he seems..."
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