See me now? I loathe you, you make my blood boil. Why can't you see that you make bile rise to the tip top of my throat hole? It is because of you that I'm up after 4 in the a.m.
"He still doesn't seem to get that this is about him, he just... just..."Stays?Exactly. I have grown sideburns to ward off the stench of your ilk, and the
"BROWS" have never failed me even in my darkest times. Tapestries drift lazily as if to a beat of their own, they fan the flames of my seething hatred towards this horrid apparition. I know you all too well.
"We loathe you."Bringer of Doom.

Mein eyes cross, as if to say that I am always attempting to search my inner self, yet always end up being obstructed by my proboscis. I am weary of your presence, and mein as well. I wish to be away from here, it all, and to never come back. I wake up daily. That is all I can do.
"What now?"We wait...
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