Sunday, August 12, 2007

Delusions, Delusions...

So yeah....
"We ain't been around in awhile..."
Did anyone even notice?
I've been off in my own little world, making videos here and there for apparently no one's viewing pleasure, but I do what I must. I wanna go see Rescue Dawn later hopefully. I love Christian Bale's movies and know it's gonna be good...
The other night for a video I ate 4 Big Macs, although I had planned on 5. I barely got through 4, then gave up. I started sneezing uncontrollably and got some kind of pinched nerve in my neck that turned into a pounding headache afterwards. Strange...
I plan on doing some kind of thing on Journey frontman Steve Perry soon, so look out for that. I just love people who refer to themselves in third person, even after fame has long since refused to darken their doorsteps any longer...
I bet I'd be delusional were I famous. But at least I wouldn't suck as bad...
"Yeah, we'd be too bizarre to be forgotten..."
Troo dat.

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