I got up long enough to reset my alarm for 4:45 am, then get up and reset it a last time for 5:20 am. I had been up the night before pretty late erasing and trying to put new music on the mp3 player, to no avail. I had all the time in the world it seemed, but then I had none and had barely any of my deliciously good music on there to enjoy. So after a last minute schmoke up I was ready to go. I had Doritos, Reese's Pieces, pop tarts, Quizno's and drink for lunch, and a few other things to get the munchness started out right. I ended up sleeping most of the way there while it stormed outside, and kids went apeshit inside.
I did, however, get a kid in trouble. After a painfully long stop at the Clarksville McDonald's, we were nearly there, and I started making the siren noise while throwing it off to the side, thus confusing and pissing off the bus driver. Next thing you know, everybody in the front is searching for the mystery cop tailing us. Eyes are darting back and forth, and all are suspect at this point. Except the chaperones, namely me, as I also glare menacingly back at the students. As it calms, I see we are near the zoo. I drop another one on them and a treacher jumps up and whirls on the students.
"Who is doing that?!?!?!"
Some kid was playing a game and she thought this might be th culprit, so she made him turn it off. He also had to sit in the front on the way back, but that will come into play later in the story...
So we get less than an hour to ogle the inhabitants of this managerie, and most of the damn things are taking a piss or something, as they were not there. I'm also now leading a rag-tag team consisting of me, my daughter, her friend Ashton, and a terrible twosome in Fantasia and Michelle.
They really weren't bad in the end, just needed someone to firmly explain what up with them. The main problem was that my kid and her friend had issues with them, don't ask me what. They couldn't explain it to me either, so I told them that there would be no switching. We'd go as is and that was that. The only thing that bothered me was when one made mention of her father being dead in a car accident, without any emotion at all. I also had a little chat with them about their language, especially when they thought they were out of earshot. Or the fact that I can read lips.
Unfortunately, odds are they will both be pregnant sometime in their teens, and I'd put money on that too. Hope not, but yeah, probably...
So we end up eating lunch on the bus while they fix a really loud buzzer problem. So I got a 6" sub with a side of migraine. And the buzzer never got truly fixed, it went off from time to time. Then off to the Capitol building...
It was hailing when we pulled into the parking lot, but we ran inside to escape the bus. It was nice, but the tour was boring and that building isn't all that big really. I took pictures the whole time so I will later post a few. I tried to get some interesting ones, but you will have to be the judge of that for me. So blah blah, we leave, eat dinner at the same fucking McDonald's, and head home. We actually got there 30 minutes early, at 7:30 pm. I had tried to sleep again but the boy from earlier kept messing with me until I gave up. His breath was so bad he could knock a buzzard off a shitwagon, and I told him this too!!!
It was too late to see a movie when I returned, and I had plans elsewhere anyhoo. I took my kids to see Disturbia today, but saw Blades of Glory again myself. Still just as funny as the first time. Grindhouse has such weird showing times that I was unable to catch it. Oh well, maybe later...
Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. All should take a moment of silence and bow their heads in her honor.
I love you Mom, and happy birthday, I hope you got another 61 in you!!! Just do me a favor and outlive me, that's all I ask. I can't bear to be without you.
Anybody else out there love their mamas? Let them know how you feel!
There will be more reminiscence when the pictures get developed. I'm too burnt out to remember anything else I did at the moment. And I wanna hear some more Pet Shop Boys...
That's sweet you went with your daughter on her field trip.
Once my mum was a chaperone when we went to the zoo. Basically, she got stuck with the 'reject' kids, (I wasn't very popular) but we had an awesome time regardless. Since there was only like 4 of us, she pretty much got us buzzed on sugar and candy.
Later, everyone wanted her as a chaperone. Needless to say, she was much more popular than me.
I do everything I can to help my daughter out, popularity-wise. Slumber parties where the Graveh cooks, birthday parties at pools and skate rinks, whatever will make my baby happy, and get her more exposure. I also do alot of field trips, and I like to spend alot of time when I can with her. This year the teachers asked me to chaperone, wonder if it had anything to do with my body finally coming into its own. They used to just glare at the strange fat man. Unfortunately this time, although nice, they were all extremely haggish, which is not good. I wasn't planning on gettin' bizzy or anything, but when you're on a bus that long, some sweet eye candy can lessen the pain and suffering a tad...
As far as popularity, I moved around alot and had to fight, literally, my way up the ranks semi yearly until I settled in Springfield, MO to finish high school. Then I got a job, a college girlfriend, buddies in their 20's and up, and started puffing the cheeba like a madman. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything in the world, looking back. Wait until your next class reunion, you'll see how cruely the tables can be turned...
I moved around a lot too, but came into my own sense of popularity in high school. It was mostly because I had the 'new girl' stigma in a small town, and not to mention I'm fucking awesome. Although, at the time I was much less awesome because I wasn't fully functioning because of family problems.
They got fixed. I got friends. Then, I became the school mascot.
I was the best fucking bulldog ever.
That's a bit of my life for ya's.
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