"Today's pick was a doozy too!!!"
I ended up seeing it alone, as my kids were wont to see the latest teen flick, Invisible. As I was originally still a little raw from Ghost Rider, I entered into this a little uneasily at first. But it pretty much kicks off with a bang, and doesn't let up until the end. Why couldn't Ghost Rider have an awesome plot as well...
A- is the grade today.
It was faintly reminiscent of Memento, yet not as confusing. The special effects and shizzle were top notch, I'd say, and quite generously ladled on, as if by...
The HAND of GRAVEH hisself!!!
To go into detail and break it down to you would be to give the plot away, and since I liked it, I ain't iguana do that. Go see it for yourselves, I'm predicting a slam dunk of the senses, a field goal celebration of WTF, and a virtual cornicopia of kickassedness...
I will give you the general storyline and tidbits:
About the only thing I can say about the whole shi-bang is that Nik is gifted with an ability to see a short distance into the future, and the Men in Black want him to help them save Los Angeles from a nuclear explosion, even though I can't recall, or think they even mentioned, why these guys were even blowin' shit up in the first place. The best part I thought was when he was using his powers to elude casino security often by the hair of his chinny chin chin.
Ginger Julianne Moore is unfortunately in this, but she isn't freckling up the movie like I'd hoped she wouldn't. However, Jessica Biel is a boner inducer through and through heeyah.
And of course...
The black guy gets it near the end of the movie...
You don't have to be clairvoyant to know that was coming...
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