Hannibal, it seems, is back once again...
Rising...Yet this is a not so humble glance into his beginnings. What a storied life that fictional man lived. I guess at some point I need to read all those books so I can get the full effect of it all.
"And there was a younger, sleeker version of he in this one, kiddies!!!"
Well, he definitely had the cheesed, ever Hannibal-like questions down. That was one thing bothering me throughout this film. Another would be that hugantic, ginormous divot/dimple he had in his cheek, what the hell was that all about? Also would be the maniacal gleam he had in eyes constantly, unlike my main man, Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins. His look was always that of a calm, rationale psychopath. This kid was just creepy looking...

In the tale of the tape then, Hopkins lays waste to this kid. You want this kid to be just as good, but it just doesn't work in the end. The story, while watchable, is the poorest out of the whole bunch thus far. It is extremely slow and not nearly as head scratchingingly perplexing as the others.
"We give it a B-!!!"If not for the gore, watered down some for the unrated DVD version, this would be C grade territory here. I looked up the guy playing young Hanny on the net, and found he was in that French werewolf movie, Brotherhood of the Wolf, which was actually pretty good, but can't remember who he even was. I just think he was a bad choice. I saw alot of other good ones in the opposingly villanous roles, but it's hard to make up for blowing the casting in the lead. Hannibal is too well loved by many to fuck it up like that. That would be like planning Star Wars Episodes 7-9 and casting Andy Dick as a elder Luke Skywalker, and Andy Griffith as the rogueish Han Solo. It just ain't happening, folks. I was disappointed, to say the least. But not completely bored with it all. I gave it a chance, what can I say?
I feel like there is more I should say, but can't. It's undefendable to me. The high point of the whole film was when there was a quiet part in the film and my daughter blurts out, in the perfect spot...
"Uncle Donnie?!?!?!?!?I cracked up on that one. She is a chip off the old block, I couldn't help but be amazed, and proud, of her well timed quote. And for a ten year old, she's better than me at inserting the more bizarre movie quotes in at just the perfect place. When we came home from watching Grandma's Boy, she already had all of Dante's lines memorized. She is like Rain Man or something...
Yet I refuse to play Tom Cruise. Although, I could pretend for Katie Holmes, if she so chose. At least I'm taller.
"What's left, then?"Anna Nicole Smith. Dead. That's about all that means to me. The Anti-Katie Couric, in mein eyes. Good riddance.
Until her autopsy report comes back...
And we find out who her baby's daddy is...