Yeah yeah yeah, senorita Juanita, I hear you talking now, but what happens when Indy blows their game with New England? Then they will be just another team that made it only so far. Chiefs were near to being undefeated a few scant years ago and were called the NEW GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, also lit up a few Sports Illustrated covers and a little late night tv, had a few NFL records in rushing and such, punt/kick returns, scoring. So your argument is weak, they (your shitty team) ain't winning any Superbowls either, in fact...
NONE as the Indianapolis Colts, with Payton to boot. So fuck off Juan Valdon't even, they won one game and made it far enough to get destroyed by the Patriots this weekend...
"The sun shines even on a dog's ass somedays."
Congratulations numnutz...
Sadly the Chief's last Superbowl appearance, and win, was in #4 in 1970, followed by...
You guessed it, the Baltimore Colts in #5 in 1971. Now guess what, school's over now, run along, spouting about that which you do not know, somewhere's else. But I always welcome all challengers...
I just thought there would be a little better competition!
Oh wellz. I wonder what kind of pussy trash talk, hopefully once again in broken "Engrish", we will be grorified with if Indy actually pulls off a miracle. Fuck Indy, and fuck Payton, Juan. He is so overrated, you are only as good as the teammates that surround you, until they aren't there anymore for whatever reason: retirement, injury, and free agency. And he will go the way of Brett Favre, into humiliating defeat after defeat until he is beaten into the submission that is retirement.
You are probably not even from Indy, are you? I'm from Missouri, so I will worship whichever team I want to, as it my duty and pleasure to a rich and storied franchise, you fucktard. Lamar Hunt even coined the phrase Superbowl.
Juan H., please make love to yourself.
Have other large men help with this when you can.
Did I say fuck Indy...?
Oh yeah, I did.
I'm rooting for the Bears or Saints regardless now, so it don't make me no nevermind.
Bring it.
Where you get picture? I not think you remember me. I razz you, but still this Chiefas are suck. I am from Mexico City, but grow up to Baltimore. Now live in KC K....and CHIEFS EAT DICKS! So, when colts get Superbowl win, then Lamar Hunt can rest easy knowing his team did not win AGAIN. Bears good, but not enough. Saints drowning. You see who gets the shoebox and laughs at the end.
I will have your balls in a jar before this is done, Senor Juan Hernandez. The Chiefs may suck in your eyes, but they have won more Superbowls at least than the Indianapolis Colts. Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades, remember that shit. I will probably not hear from you soon, as Indy will fall tomorrow. Oh wellz...
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