So after a weeklong hiatus where I had nothing within me to give, I find myself inspired by the likes of a simple film about football...
"A real tearjerker at its finest!!!"
Huh? I told you I had butter in my eye!!! But I did get a little misty a few times. This wasn't about the game though, this was about healing, and what it can take to get you there.
The Long Haul...
I had originally planned to go see Apocalypto, but when I mentioned it, my kids threw a fit. So we traded 138 minutes of boredom in the jungle for 127 minutes of me trying to "hold back the rain", so to speak. Well worth it though, I give it an A+ as far as sports movies go, and an A- overall. It had the customary cheese that is standard nowadays, and all the participants were the usual blemish free pretty people, but when you hear that chant...
You feel it in your chest, if you have a heart at all, and it makes you feel for those who may have fallen recently. Those who won't see a Christmas this year, lives cut short by their own little tragedies (Russ). Learning that success in dealing with loss, and eventually coming to terms with it, although painful, can strengthen ties with those that are still with you. Those near and dear to your heart...
(LIke Jaypussy, HA!)
What else?
I have to be in Springfield tomorrow for the annual dinner and festivities with the parents. I will pig out as best as I can on Mom's fantastic feast, then hang out and watch kids open gifts. The wife is out taking care of the last minute gift getting and I am the lucky fool who will be wrapping presents like a madman late into the night.
"I hate you, Kris Kringle!!!
You make my life more difficult. Although I enjoy the light in my kids' eyes when they see what they got, I am bombarded with expectations, drunken "friends" looking for parties (and houses to destroy), and am left low in funds until the tax money comes in and saves the day. We have been better prepared in years of late, but this year I just don't seem to have it, that spark. It is cold as hell all the time, maybe due to my lack of blubber, yet we have no snow. I need something to make it feel like Christmas. So far it just feels like I'm freezing my balls off. I can't wait until New Years is over. I don't like to be around people drinking, but know they will be at every turn, hugging me... shaking my hand...
I'm not deeply into being touched, especially by inebriated fools who don't realize how foolish they really are. Luckily I work out and don't imbibe myself, so I rarely get fucked with. Those that do are sorry for it. It's not that I am unhappy with them because I myself want to drink again. No way, I'm done with that! I personally do not like the reminder of who I was when I drank or the stench. To see what they look like as they are trying to liven it all up for all those around them is pathetic. Stop already, no one even likes you...
"And you're not a very good breakdancer either!!!"
So give up alcohol this year if you wanna give me a present. Hell, call it a present to all of mankind if you want! Just leave me alone and keep your greasy, snot and vomit encrusted persons out of my personal territorial bubble. It is all that I ask. You know who you are...
Nuff said.
My son sold over $400 dollars worth of shitty merchandise for his choir's hokey fundraising efforts that you have to participate in if you want a good grade in the class. Unbelievably, yesterday he had won a bunch of prizes for his outstanding work, all the major ones. He got $35, and iPod Nano, and some iPod pillow thingie that plays your music through (that's right you guessed it!) a pillow that you sleep on! This means I also get his old MP3 player and my daughter doesn't have to keep letting me borrow hers to go workout to. So fucking sweet! I take back at least half of what I said about those soul soliciting pigfuckers at school and on the PTA. If you don't participate, you are obliged to give a donation out of your own pocket. This is if you want a decent grade. What the fuck?!?!?!?
I'm proud of him, he deserves it, and he's a good kid. And he got out there and sold shit I never thought could be sold to anyone in their right mind. And yes, now I don't have to buy him an iPod Nano...
"Or have to hear about them all the time!"
Blessed silence once again reigns supreme...
Thus the title...
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