So this Christmas has gone shitty pretty quick due to recent events, not just one in particular, but a smattering of holiday "poo-ness" at every twist and turn. Today was a good one too. It involves me, the cruel gods, and the day I was supposed to have off tomorrow.
I bet you already know where this story is headed, don't you?
Well, basically some lady needed off work with some bogus, lame ass excuse about wanting a few extra days off so she could spend a little extra time with her grandkids. I've got shit to do too, you know...
Now the whole fiasco has sparked off a fierce debate on our whole written plans for what to do in case of needing to travel, like who has to travel and in what order. Basically a few have decided that their personal needs aren't being met before others, and want to start a coup. They will get what they think they want, a new plan of action, but...
Will it be filled with loopholes to get out of the job at hand?
I think not, I have three hours of drive time to think of how I'm gonna squash this new bug. That's right, tomorrow I will be getting up around 3:30 am, weeping of course, leaving at 4, to arrive by 5:30 am, in time to work my ass off until 2:45 pm, then spend another hour and a half driving home in thick traffic.
Life is not fair, but maybe I am being paid back for something a little less than honest I did a few months ago, at the expense of another coworker. I always felt bad about it too. Damn you Kharma!!!

Let's get with the love then. Where the hell is it? The thing that kills me is that I originally had the whole week off, but changed it to fit the down days where I work. At my boss's suggestion...
At least I have my own MP3 player now, and I plan on finishing loading that badboy up before the morn. Also a fatty or two may have to be rolled for both ways tripwise. I'm not worried about reeking of it, I have a system. Smoke it just right with the smoke exiting vehicle through thin cracked side window then possibly changing shirts with another spare in the trunk, if too paranoid. I also will smoke regular cigarettes out the yin-yang since I will be so frickin' sleepy. That will cover it even more. My eyes, you ask? Everybody who knows me, knows they are always red, and always have been too. I'm also clumsy and mumbly, so I pass without much notice.
If you are wondering about my Christmas exploits, they may or may not be reminisced about at a later date and post. I just haven't decided yet. I'm still lamenting my Chiefs most probably not making the playoffs...
It ain't over yet, but I'm needing a miracle here.